These free-standing signs provide a direct line of sight for commuters and bring life to any building. Monument signs help your business stand out on a busy street or in a shopping center to bring more customers to your amazing business.


Monument signs are great for displaying business information, expanding your brand, advertising business offers, providing directions to your business, or showing announcements, updates, time, etc. all depending on how your sign is customized and built.


Monument signs increase the visibility of your business to help make sure you are not a business that loses up to 54% of customers due to poor or no signage. Monument signs can also be built from a variety of materials which lets you create a sign that matches your business to create a consistent look and serves as an extension of your brand. These long-lasting and weather-resistant signs can endure the elements thus sending the message that you are established and intend to be there for a long time. Lastly, monument signs reach more people than radio or newspaper ads since it is advertising your brand 24 hours, 7 days a week which can help you see an average sales increase of 10%.


Let us help you decide upon the endless design options and features for your monument sign and build you a one-of-a-kind sign to help your business flourish.

  • Illuminated Monument Signs
  • Outdoor Directory Signs
  • Pylon Signs
  • Post & Panel Signs
  • Single Building Monument Signs
eagle ridge outdoor wooden monument sign
metal HVAC Elements Outdoor Sign on a brick stand

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